

In pursuit of discovering beauty in my daily adventure of being a mom of nine



An Unusual Point of View

Growing up with eight brothers and sisters has given my kids quite a unique and unusual point of view on life. Having to share the house, the bathrooms (there's three - thank God!), the closets (there's never enough room!), the... Continue Reading →

Whispering Bench at Longwood Gardens

If you ever find yourself at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania, make sure you and a friend (or few) sit on the ends of the whispering bench.  When you whisper from one end towards the center, your friend on the other end... Continue Reading →

Weekly Photo Challenge: From Above

This week's photo challenge directed us to take a picture of a subject from above. I have an old outdoor statue of the Virgin Mary which sits in a garden in my backyard.   I have taken several pictures of... Continue Reading →

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