The “Modern” apartment building in Fort Lee, NJ

No, this is not where I work or live but I wanted a picture to represent a building and going to work. This picture has been sitting in my archive for a time such as this. It’s a newly completed building containing luxury apartments with many amenities. The “Modern” is located near the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, NJ.

In truth, I work in a humble looking, 90-year-old small mansion, turned prep-school, turned office building. Decorative plasterwork from the 1920’s still adorns some of the ceilings.

I work three days a week as the secretary for a non-profit religious organization. There is a total of two other people I work with. One of them is my boss who happens to be married to my best friend of over 35 years.

There are many remarkable things about my job but today I want to focus on one thing. My boss. A very kind and patient man, I have been on the receiving end of that kindness and patience more than once. There have been so many times that I have messed up and even though he has had to be firm (he is my boss), he has tempered that firmness with understanding and patience and even forgiveness. Indeed, he has shown me time and time again what it is like to be a true Christian.

So today, I am thankful for my job and especially my boss.

What or who are you thankful for?